SuiteCommerce InStore Implementation

Unify POS and eCommerce to create a truly omnichannel experience for consumers.

NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce InStore (NetSuite POS) is a unique solution that lets retailers create omnichannel user experiences at their retail stores by combining the physical and digital shopping experiences within a single, cloud-based platform.

It empowers salespeople by providing them with complete visibility into inventory and customer information enabling them to engage and service customers more effectively, deliver a superior shopping experience and drive higher sales.

SuiteCommerce InStore (NetSuite POS) – Key Benefits

Tailored Shopping Experience

Deliver complete shopping experiences that are personal and seamless with seamless sync between your POS and eCommerce systems

Unified Cloud-based Platform

Avoid integrations between disparate systems by having your e-commerce and POS natively tied to your operational business systems on a single cloud-based platform

Empower your Salespeople

Enable your in-store sales teams with the information and tools to engage and service customers better

Improve yourBottom Line

Increase your profitability by providing your consumers with more choices and ease with an “endless aisle” of goods

Designed for Mobility

With a full-featured POS, commoditized hardware, cloud-based software, and touch tablet UI with responsive design, you can now service customers any time in the store and perform sales transactions with ease

Truly OmniChannel

Create seamless and unified experiences for your customers by gaining access to a 360-degree view of the customer and greater visibility into orders and inventory across all channels

Digital Selling

Identify upsells, cross-sells, and related product recommendations based on merchant driven rules like location, behavioral patterns, and more

Being a SuiteCommerce InStore Certified Partner, we can provide you with a rapid and seamless transition to SuiteCommerce InStore, enabling you to drive stronger sales by delivering a unified and personalized shopping experience that delights consumers every time.