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Atomic Design Methodology for SuiteCommerce Advanced

As web designers, we are constantly looking for new and more effective methodologies for creating dynamic and more efficient UI designs. In this search, you should consider other industries and verticals to see how they are doing design, and not just look for inspiration among...

Mobile First CSS Approach for SCA Optimization

In my previous post, we talked about the importance of using a mobile-first strategy for modern web design and how it can help enhance your ecommerce store’s customer experience, ultimately resulting in increased sales and revenue. In this post, we’ll look at some coding best practices...

Why A Mobile-First Strategy Matters for Your Ecommerce Store

The ecommerce landscape has changed considerably since the proliferation of smartphones with the industry pushing towards adopting a Mobile-First strategy for ecommerce, which basically means that you should design the user experience of your ecommerce website to cater for smaller screens first and then focus...